Page 5 - eGrad Expectations 2020 (TGE) – Graduation catalogues of 3DD
P. 5

Vice Dean’s Message

                                            Fadzli Jamil
                                            Vice Dean
                                            3D Design Programme

            Congratulations to the graduating cohort of       Remember, put your heart and soul into your work
            2020! On behalf of the team at the 3D Design      and getting lost in the process is a natural process!
            Programme, our hearts are bursting with joy at your
            accomplishments.                                  Once again, to the graduating cohort of 2020, I wish
                                                              you all the best in your future endeavours and keep
            This year has been tough and challenging, but within   in touch!
            a short period of time we made changes in our
            lifestyles, especially the way we learn and work.

            I am grateful to know that you possess the great
            resilience to cope with the situation. I am confident
            that you will continue to persevere through these
            challenging times and uncertainties by effectively
            applying the many skills you have been equipped
            with, adapting to changing needs and emerging as
            better designers.

            A stronger designer is one who can exercise
            sensitivities to the environment, understanding
            context and adapting to changes.

            Graduation represents the beginning of a new
            era in your life. I have been very fortunate to have
            witnessed you grow through your years in NAFA. I
            would like to also take this chance to specially thank
            the parents, families, and friends of our graduates
            for their kind patience, understanding, and support
            during these years – this would not have been
            possible without you.

          iv          Vice Dean’s Message
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