Page 4 - eGrad Expectations 2020 (TGE) – Graduation catalogues of 3DD
P. 4

Dean’s Message

                                               Sabrina Long
                                               School of Art & Design

            This year marks the sixth year of the Nanyang     This year, The eGrad Expectations 2020 will
            Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA)’s School of Art &     showcase, for the first time, close to 700 diploma
            Design (SOAD), and I would like to extend my      and degree graduates that will communicate the
            warmest congratulations to our graduates of       depth and breadth of their creative works. It is a
            aspiring artists and designers.                   year that will sit close in my heart as I have seen this
                                                              cohort fight to deliver under extreme circumstances.
            I believe NAFA has taught you how your efforts as a   This will leave a strong impression and mark to the
            designer can shape our world, as we live in one that   SOAD teaching faculty. Your eagerness to excel can
            is constantly changing and developing. In the face   be seen in your many involvement and projects
            of COVID-19 pandemic, I am heartened to know      outside the curriculum, showcasing abilities and
            that you strove on and against all odds, completed   hunger to excel in the real world. This includes the
            and excelled in your work. You have been forced   Transdisciplinary project with Victorian College of the
            to think and re-frame what our community looks    Arts, and live project with Singapore Tourism Board
            like and how you must engage with it for us to    for The World’s 50 Best Restaurants. Sweeping top
            live harmoniously together. I hope you will remain   awards at the Crowbar Awards 2019, Singapore
            positive, learn to embrace the changes that are   Institute of Landscape Architect (SILA) Student
            happening around and make the best of what you    Award 2019, Singapore Creator Award 2019,
            have.                                             Men’s Folio Designer of the Year 2019 (Menswear
                                                              Designer), are just some of the many achievements
            Art and Design is a universal language that       of your graduating cohort.
            transcends boundaries. As a creative practitioner,
            it is our sincere hope that you will work towards   I would like to congratulate all graduates on your
            solving problems and creating value, not only in   achievements and wish each one of you success in
            Singapore and Southeast Asia, but globally as     your journey towards new horizons. My appreciation
            well. We hope that you will be able to exercise   to the teaching faculty for their continuous guidance
            sensitivities to the environment, understand the   and support to the students.
            landscape, be able to recognise problems and
            formulate effective solutions through relevant art   There are no limits to what you can do and to the
            and design articulations.                         heights you can scale. Keep believing in yourself and
                                                              trust the process.

                                                                                   Dean’s Message             iii
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