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Fine Art from the Finest Artists

With a series of programmes that encourage critical thinking and inculcate a sensitivity towards different cultures and contexts, NAFA’s pioneering Fine Art programme aims to nurture emphatic artists and creative practitioners capable of leading the local and regional art scenes.

You will experience a mix of traditional and contemporary approaches, gain exposure to 2D, 3D and 4D mediums, and have an abundance of opportunities for professional development with industry partners. Together, this investigative approach to learning will hone your technical skills, enhance your creativity and encourage reflection, allowing you to develop your unique artistic voice and visual language within a Southeast Asian context.

Upon graduation, the hope is that you will embody the NAFA spirit of creativity, exploration and resilience, while still remaining agile and responsive to global narratives and contexts—ready to make an impact on the art scenes of the future.

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Cultivate Cultural Sensitivity

Exposure to traditional and contemporary approaches enable you to better understand culture and context, so you have the technical skills and conceptual knowledge to create your own diverse art practices.

Deepen Industry Relationships

Develop connections, creativity and interdisciplinary thinking through study trips, art residencies, industry projects, collaborations, partnerships and more with renowned companies and artists.

Diversify Studio Experiences

Critically engage with medium and material in an exploration of 2D (oil and ink painting, printmaking, drawing); 3D (ceramics, sculpture, installation); and 4D (photography, performance art, sound, video) practices, so you wield an arsenal of creative knowledge and skills.

Discover your core values, hone your critical thinking skills, and refine your artistic repertoire—all within our vibrant, supportive and nurturing community.

Sabrina Koh, Associate Dean, School of Fine Art

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