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  • Biography
  • Qualification

Yang’s works often depict near-pain situations that are dealt with very dispassionately and distanced, focusing on the struggles one has within them. Over the years, this process has led her from paintings, installations, photography, etchings and writings. The therapeutic process of creating a work fills her with a sense of well-being that something neither medication nor voodoo can do even in this time of technological advancement.

She has been a member of The Artists Village since 2005.

Notable exhibitions are:
Masterpieces: Digital Art in Singapore, National Museum, 2013
The Artists Village Show, ICAS, 2013
TAV Presents, Substation Gallery, 2013
Simple Pleasures, NAFA Gallery, 2013
Monochrome, Jendela, Esplanade, 2010

She had also been a co-organiser of various shows such as:
TAV SHOW, 2013
Fetterfield, 2012
Drawing as Form, 2009
Episode5, 2006
Ring around the Rosy, A pocketful of Posies…, 2005

Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education (PGDHE),
Nanyang Technological University,
National Institute of Education, Singapore

Master in Contemporary Practice,
University of Huddersfield, UK

Bachelor of Fine Arts,
University of Tasmania, Australia