Caucasian Chalk Circle by Bertolt Brecht and
The Chalk Circle by Li Qianfu
Adapted & Directed by Marc Goldberg
Dramaturgy: Yu Weijie
Presented by BA (Hons) in Theatre Arts
The Chalk Circle[s] is an adaptation of Bertolt Brecht's
Caucasian Chalk Circle and Li Qianfu's Yuan Dynasty drama
The Chalk Circle.
The audience will be invited on a journey to experience two different cultural and temporal vantage points with stage work adapted from these two world classics. This performance is presented by the students of the BA (Hons) in Theatre Arts course.
原著:布莱希特<高加索灰阑记> / 李潜夫<灰阑记>
改编/导演: 马克·戈德堡
戏剧构作: 俞唯洁
演出: 戏剧艺术学士(荣誉)2016班
[灰阑记] 改编自布莱希特创作于1944年的 [高加索灰阑记] 和中国元杂剧作家李潜夫的 [灰阑记] 。
观众将在这个演出中感受到来自不同文化时空视野对这两个世界戏剧经典的重新审视。演出将由南艺戏剧 艺术(荣誉)学士学位的学生用华语和英语来联合呈现.