Dr. Liu Yue Ning is Professor at the Central Conservatory of Music (CCOM). She is also Director, Centre for Sino-Foreign Exchange and Experience of Chinese Music Cultures & Music Confucius Institute Office of CCOM; Member, National Committee of the 12th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC); Vice President, Chinese Overseas-Educated Scholars Association (WRSA); and President, Central and Eastern European Countries Branch. She will be presenting a talk on “The Ancestry of Yangqin (Chinese Dulcimer) & International Education and Cultural Promotion of Chinese Music” along with CCOM postgraduate student Mi Xuan Ye. Thereafter, the Jasmine Ensemble, consisting of five yangqin players from CCOM, will present a demonstration recital.
刘月宁博士: 中央音乐学院教授、硕士生导师;中央音乐学院“中外音乐文化交流与体验”基地及音乐孔子学院办公室主任。十二届全国政协委员;欧美同学会副会长、中东欧分会会长。讲座主题:《世界扬琴家族 ● 中国音乐国际教育与文化传播》。中央音乐学院“茉莉花”扬琴重奏团也将呈现示范表演。