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SkillsFuture Credit aims to encourage individuals to take ownership of their skills development and lifelong learning. Introduced in 2015, all Singapore Citizens aged 25 and above will receive an opening credit of $500. The credit is claimable for all SkillsFuture Credit-eligible courses which includes all NAFA diploma and degree courses, as well as courses offered by the Centre for Lifelong Education.

Credit Eligibility Expiry for unused credits
SkillsFuture Credit $500 can be used for all SkillsFuture Credit-eligible courses Singapore Citizens aged 25 and above Does not expire
SkillsFuture Credit Top-up (in 2020) $500 can be used for all SkillsFuture Credit-eligible courses Singapore Citizens aged 25 and above as at 31 December 2020 31 December 2025

For more details, please refer to