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The Overseas Programme Travel Subsidy scheme is meant for full-time students in the Diploma, Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree levels who are participating in approved overseas programmes or study trips organised by NAFA.

Financially needy students, with household Per-Capita Income (PCI) not exceeding S$1,100 per month or Gross Household Income (GHI) not exceeding S$4,400 per month may apply for the travel subsidy.

The application link will be disseminated through the Lecturer-in-charge once the trip is confirmed. Subsidy applications must be submitted at least 6 weeks before the departure date.

The subsidy for all approved overseas programmes (except overseas competitions) will be offered on a 2-tier system based on the household incomes as follows:

Household income per month*Eligible Subsidy
Per-capita Income (PCI) ≤ S$750 or Gross Household Income (GHI) ≤ S$3,000Tier 1: One-time subsidy of S$600
Per-capita Income (PCI) S$751 to S$1,100 or Gross Household Income (GHI) S$3,001 to S$4,400Tier 2: One-time subsidy of S$400

*Note: The subsidy will be capped at the value of the travel cost, if it is lower than the subsidy offered.

For overseas competitions, there will be a maximum subsidy of S$2,000 for each competition.

For enquiries, please email Office of Student Care at [email protected] (Financial Aids & Awards Scheme).