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The International Placement Travel Grant scheme helps needy full-time degree students defray the expenses of the overseas International Placement programme organised by NAFA and the partner university.

  • Full-time students who are pursuing degree courses in collaboration with partner universities namely University of the Arts London or Royal College of Music
  • Participating in the International Placement programme in the UK or China organised by NAFA and the partner university.
  • Financially needy students, with household Per-Capita Income (PCI) not exceeding S$1,100 per month or Gross Household Income (GHI) not exceeding S$4,400 per month.
Gross Household Income (GHI) refers to the total gross monthly income of family members living in the same household. Per-Capita Income (PCI) refers to the total gross household income (GHI)divided by the number of family members living in the same household.

Grant Quantum:

Application for AY23/24 has closed. AY24/25 applications will open in November 2024.

For enquiries, please email Office of Student Care at [email protected] (Financial Aids & Awards Scheme).