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Lianhe Zaobao featured Dr Bridget Tracy Tan, Director of the Institute of Southeast Asian Arts & Art Galleries, and Academic Advisor (Southeast Asian Arts) at Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA), on her opinions regarding art critique. Dr Tan said that it is important to recognise the leading role of art criticism in the development of art and in shaping the nation's appreciation of the arts. She states that “aesthetics does not only highlight beautiful colours and graphics, but extends as a reflection of individuals’ morals and values – as everyone’s perspectives on beauty comes from within.”

Dr Tan added that it is a pity that NAFA does not offer a major in art history. However, the new University of the Arts will increase the proportion of research-based courses. She also shared that NAFA students in the Fine Arts degree programme participate in three critical discussions every semester, where subjects discussed include art works and research. These discussions stimulate students to cultivate critical thinking in art criticism. Since 2019, NAFA has also held three Southeast Asian Art Forums in hybrid formats (online and offline), inviting artists from around the region to participate in dialogues with students and the public.

Read more here.

Source: Lianhe Zaobao © SPH Media Limited. Permission required for reproduction.