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School of Art and Design

25 - 31 May | NAFA Campus 1, The Ngee Ann Kongsi Galleries 1 & 2; Lim Hak Tai Gallery;
On Air Gallery; Seminar Room & Outside Seminar Room; and Skylight Studios
Campus 1 Tower Block I Level 6
Objectifs I 155 Middle Road

12pm - 8pm
Free admission
Enquiries: 6512 4088 | [email protected]

NAFA’s School of Art and Design will present its combined diploma and degree graduation show, “The Grad Expectations 2017,” at NAFA Campus 1, the Tower Block and the Objectifs gallery. The exhibition will feature over 550 works created by our graduating diploma and degree students from the programmes of 3D Design, Design & Media, Fine Art, and from the Fashion Studies discipline (see separate listing). Join us to view thought-provoking ideas and how various disciplines are re-defined!

7 - 8 June | Campus 1, The Ngee Ann Kongsi Galleries 1 & 2

6.30pm - 8pm
Free Admission by Invitation Only
Enquiries: 6512 4201 | [email protected]

The Fashion Studies programme presents its combined diploma and degree graduation runway shows, featuring avant-garde and ready-to-wear collections of womenswear and menswear. Look out for creative designs by graduating students from this year’s Diploma in Fashion Design cohort on 7 June and works from the Diploma in Fashion Merchandising & Marketing, BA (Hons) Fashion as well as BA (Hons) Fashion & Marketing courses on 8 June.

23 June - 26 July | Campus 1, Lim Hak Tai Gallery

12pm - 6pm
Free admission
Enquiries: 6512 4088 | [email protected]

This exhibition will showcase a curated selection of the best ideas and works by the graduating diploma and degree cohorts from the School of Art & Design. These works demonstrate design thinking and artistic creativity at their best!

School of Arts Management, Dance and Theatre

31 March, 7 April, 21 April & 28 April | Indian Heritage Centre, Campbell Lane and Kerbau Road

9am - 1pm
Enquiries: 6512 4219 | [email protected]

Organised in partnership with the National Heritage Board, NAFA’s Arts Management Programme will conduct its first heritage trail in the Little India vicinity. The ‘Little India Heritage Trail’ will feature four curated trails, conceptualised and executed by graduating students from the Diploma in Arts Management Programme. Designed specifically for 4 to 6 year olds, the trail aims to engage young minds and introduce the rich cultural heritage that can be found in Little India.


21 - 22 April | Campus 3, Lee Foundation Theatre

Admission: $15 ($10 for students, NSFs and senior citizens)
Register via email [email protected]
Enquiries: 6512 4176

CROSSINGS highlights NAFA’s commitment to produce dance artists for the world stage.

The evening’s programme will showcase both Asian- and Western-inspired dance works including ‘Lain’ by Dr Filomar Tariao, 'Me and my Kilfie’ by Dr Siri Rama, and 'Doodle' by Liu Wen Chun, among others. NAFA’s student dancers will perform across genres, showcasing their versatility which is the hallmark of the Dance programme.

CROSSINGS 2017 strives to reflect both rich traditions as well as an adventurous spirit that define and drive dance at NAFA. Looking back but moving forward, we cross the boundaries of time and tradition.


18 - 29 April | NAFA Campus 3, Studio Theatre

English Drama Group A
18 April | 3pm & 7.30pm

English Drama Group B
20 April | 3pm & 7.30pm

Mandarin Drama Group 1A
22 April | 3pm & 7.30pm

Mandarin Drama Group 1B
25 April | 3pm & 7.30pm

Mandarin Drama Group 2A
27 April | 3pm & 7.30pm

Mandarin Drama Group 2B
29 April | 3pm & 7.30pm

Free admission by registration
Tickets available via Peatix
Enquiries: 6512 4176 | [email protected]

Presented by Diploma in Theatre (English and Mandarin Drama)

The final year students of NAFA’s Diploma in Theatre (English and Mandarin Drama) proudly present 'Solo Flight'. Based on well-known stories and fairy tales, Solo Flight provides students with the opportunity to devise, write, direct and act in their own solo performance. Be prepared to go on a thrilling and magical journey with the NAFA Theatre students!


单人故事剧是大三年级的毕业作品之一,也是我们训练演员的一个重要的手段。在这个科目的课程里,学生以自身的力量去独立创作一部单人表演的作品。学生通过自己的经历、学历、阅历以及想象力, 从编辑剧本开始,自编、自导、自演一个完整的故事。学生也需从事灯光、服装、化妆与道具的创作和运用,以及熟悉前后台的运作,制作成本的预算。总之,这是一台完全依靠学生的自身的力量来完成的一部演出。对年轻的学生来说是挑战也是机遇,挑战的是第一次的单飞,机遇是有机会参与戏剧制作的全过程。现在大幕就要拉开,我们感谢您的光临,同时也期待着您们的评判。

School of Music

Concert Series: Stabat Mater

14 April | Victoria Concert Hall, 9 Empress Place, Singapore 179556

7.30pm - 9.15pm
Admission: $25; 10% discount for pair of tickets; 15% discount for students, NAFA staff & alumni, NSFs and senior citizens; 20% discount for bundle of four tickets
Enquiries: 6512 4179 | [email protected]
Tickets available at SISTIC (6348 5555 /

NAFA Orchestra and Chorus
Lim Yau, Conductor
Nattawat Luantampol, Violin solo
Lin Ching-Ju, Soprano solo
Jessica Chen, Mezzo-soprano solo
Fernando Wang, Tenor solo
William Lim, Baritone solo

Gioachino Rossini: Overture to William Tell
Béla Bartók: Violin Rhapsody No. 1, Sz. 87
Gioachino Rossini: Stabat Mater

Under the direction of Maestro Lim Yau, the NAFA Orchestra and Chorus presents Gioachino Rossini’s Stabat Mater, described by music critic Richard Osborne as “a work with a complex provenance and an unusual aesthetic”. Violinist Nattawat Luantampol, Grand Prize Winner of the NAFA-Kris Foundation Fund Concerto Competition 2017, is the soloist for Béla Bartók’s Violin Rhapsody No. 1.The concert will open with Rossini’s exuberant William Tell Overture.

Click here to view our graduating students’ final year projects.