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Wang Wei is a renowned famous guzheng player, educator, Shanghai Conservatory of Music Professor and Masters programme tutor. She also holds the title of Visiting Professor at the Shanghai Theatre Academy, Vice President of the Chinese Musicians Association's Guzheng Association, Vice President of the Chinese National Orchestra Guzheng Professional Committee and Guzheng Committee Member of Shanghai Musicians' Association, among others.

She is a recipient of multiple awards, including the Teachers' Award by the Ministry of Culture, National Excellent Teacher Award by the Baosteel Education Fund, Excellent Teacher Award by the Shanghai Literature and Art Talent Fund as well as the He Luting Fund (Dean Award) by the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.

Wang Wei has published "Wang Wei's Art of Guzheng", "Peacock Flying Southeast" as well as more than 10 solo albums. She has also published teaching materials and supporting materials for national tertiary institutions. Over the past 30 years, nearly 50 of her students have been awarded medals at professional competitions. Wang Wei has also adjudicated for many major folk music competitions both at home and abroad, and has given concerts and masterclasses in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan as well as in other regions in Asia, Europe and the United States.


多次荣获文化部颁发的 “园丁奖”;全国宝钢教育基金 “优秀教师奖”;上海市文艺人才基金 “优秀教师奖”;上海音乐学院 “贺绿汀基金(院长奖)奖” 等;出版了《王蔚的古筝艺术》、《孔雀东南飞》等十多张个人专辑及专著全国高等艺术院校专业教材《古筝“弦距型”手指训练教程》等并录制配套的VCD;从教近三十年来有近五十名学生在 “金钟奖” 、 “文华奖”、“CCTV” 等专业比赛中获得金、银、铜奖;经常担任国内外重大民乐比赛评委并多次赴港澳台地区及亚欧美等地举办音乐会及大师班讲座。